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Does Fiber Help You Lose Weight?

  • 4 min read

It’s the million-dollar question regarding fiber: Can fiber help me manage my weight? While fiber (sadly) does not have any magical, instant weight reduction properties, it can still help you lose weight, if that’s your goal. But how??

Short answer: fiber slows digestion which can help you feel fuller longer. And that’s just one of the amazing benefits you might see if you add more fiber—like Bonny—to your diet. After reading this article, fiber is definitely going to be your new favorite f-word. 

How Does Fiber Help You Lose Weight?

Boy saying really how?

ABC Network / Via

Fiber is the part of plant foods (like fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, seeds, and legumes) that your body can’t digest.

There are two types of fiber: insoluble fiber, which helps food pass through your digestive system smoothly, and soluble fiber, which eliminates fats and lowers cholesterol. (Yay!) 

Fiber is fabulous for a lot of reasons. It helps promote a happy and healthy gut, helps you spend less (but more productive) time on the toilet, and reduces bloating. But there’s another reason why fiber is so beneficial: a high-fiber diet (or a fiber supplement-rich diet) can help you achieve your weight loss goals. 

Plus, fiber can do other amazing things, like help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and increase blood flow. Regardless of your goals, fiber can help you meet them. 

Helps You Feel Fuller Longer

Muscle & Fitness magazine said it best: “Fiber may be the furthest thing from your mind, but it could also be just the weight-loss edge you need.” That’s because fiber makes you feel full by slowing digestion and fiber-rich foods like fruits and veggies tend to be lower in calories. So, after you eat your fiber-filled meal, you’ll be less likely to snack throughout the day. 

Reduces Belly Fat 

If you want to reduce belly fat, the key is soluble fiber. Eating more soluble fiber helps you lose belly fat and prevents you from gaining additional weight. One study found that a 10-gram increase in daily soluble fiber was linked with a 3.7% lower risk of gaining belly fat. (Though remember, if you reduce your belly fat but replace it with muscle, the scale might show you the same number — but you’ll look and feel slimmer.) 

Soluble Fiber is a Natural Appetite Suppressant 

Studies have shown that soluble fiber is actually a powerful appetite suppressant. It regulates the hormones involved in appetite control. Fiber also slows the movement of food through the gut, which further reduces your appetite. 

Your body cannot digest fiber, which means it arrives in your gut pretty unchanged. Once the fiber is in your gut, there are enzymes there that can digest soluble fiber. This is just one important way that your gut bacteria promotes excellent physical health. 

Keeps You Regular 

A high-fiber diet can also keep you regular with your toilet time, and flush your system of toxins, which can help you lose weight. Fiber also helps tackle bloating and constipation which can make it harder to remain active.

High Fiber Diet

Wait for it, there’s even better news coming: high-fiber foods also tend to be low-calorie (and still tasty), so you can eat plenty of them. 

Ready to add some more f-word (aka fiber) to your diet and feel extra healthy? Many people see changes from adding fiber to their diets, even without having to make additional changes. 

Keep in mind that it is important to stay hydrated with plenty of water while you are adding high-fiber foods to your diet to help fiber do its job.

Okay, I’m Sold. What are Some High Fiber Foods to Help Me Manage Weight?

Here are some fantastic foods that are part of a high-fiber diet: 


A medium-sized apple has about four grams of fiber and a large apple has about five grams. 

Green Beans

One cup of green beans contains about four grams of fiber. 

Sweet Potatoes

A medium-sized baked sweet potato (with the skin!) has about four to five grams of fiber


Raspberries are an excellent source of fiber. One cup of raspberries has eight grams of fiber!


One cup of strawberries has three grams of fiber. 


Just three-fourths of a cup of chickpeas has eight whole grams of fiber. 


A cup of cooked pumpkin has three grams of fiber.  

Whole Grains

If you’re a carb lover who is dreading all the berries and veggies on this list, don’t worry! You can still eat bread! Real whole grains, like the ones found in 100% whole-wheat bread, oats, whole-wheat pasta, and brown rice all have fiber. (Tip from the fiber pros: make sure whole grains are the first ingredient on the bread or pasta package to make sure it’s really a whole grain.) 


In addition to all these yummy high-fiber foods, you might want to try adding a prebiotic fiber supplement to your high-fiber diet, too. 

Best Fiber Supplements for Weight Loss

While high-fiber foods are freaking amazing, especially if weight loss is your goal, it can be difficult for most people to eat the recommended amount of dietary fiber each and every day. (FYI: the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends women eat at least 25 grams of fiber each day and 38 grams per day for men!) As you might have noticed, you will have to eat a LOT of the high-fiber foods we listed above to meet your daily goal. Though eating whole foods is the best way to up your fiber intake, you might need a fiber supplement. 

That’s where a 100% natural, real fruit fiber supplement like Bonny comes in. Vegan, gluten-free, and refined-sugar-free as well!

The best fiber supplement to help you with your weight management journey is Bonny. One sustainable tin of Bonny contains flavor, function, and fiber in one. Simply stir a tablespoon of Bonny into an 8-ounce glass of cool water and notice how much fuller you feel. 

Bonny comes in a number of amazing flavors like Mixed Ripe Berries, Super Strawberry Serenity and Apple Pie.

As always, we wish you pleasant poops! 
