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What Is the Best Natural Fiber Supplement?

  • 3 min read

Wanted: a delicious, yet nutritious fiber supplement that provides digestive relief.

If you are looking for a naturally delicious fiber supplement, you’ve found us! Fewer than 5% of Americans get the amount of fiber they need every day to maintain a healthy digestive tract. That’s what makes fiber supplements so necessary. While there are options available at your local grocery store, when you take a look at the back of that boring plastic canister, you’ll probably see a few ingredients listed that you can’t pronounce and a number of artificial ingredients you don’t want to pronounce. 

Bonny, on the other hand, is an all-natural fiber supplement that is actually delicious. Our founder was just a girl, standing in front of a fiber supplement aisle, asking for an all-natural yet delicious option to love her and her gut. When she couldn’t find one, she made one herself. Now, it’s available for all of us. Happy dance! 

Best Natural Fiber Supplement 

Woman pointing and saying you are the best

The Voice / Via

Fiber is a kind of carbohydrate that is found naturally in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Most Americans do not get enough fiber in their daily diet. That’s where a natural fiber supplement comes in! A fiber supplement helps you reap all the incredible benefits of fiber, without having to add foods you don’t like to your diet. Plus, fiber supplements can help you prevent constipation, lower your cholesterol, manage your weight, and avoid diverticulitis.

Bonny is a natural fiber supplement that is chock full of amazing superfoods and plenty of fiber to keep you feeling fuller longer, improve regularity, and stop you from bloating. Let’s talk about what exactly it is that makes our natural fiber supplement so awesome. 

Okay, What’s a Soluble Fiber Supplement?

Most of us have heard of fiber (duh.) But not everyone knows about soluble fiber, so let’s break it down: soluble fiber vs. insoluble fiber. 

What Is Soluble Fiber? 

Soluble fiber is a type of fiber that dissolves in water. Soluble means “able to be dissolved in water.” When it dissolves, it forms a gel-like consistency that can help sweep out your digestive tract and can do amazing things like lower your cholesterol, balance your hormone levels, and improve your glucose levels. 

What About Insoluble Fiber? 

This is as opposed to insoluble fiber, that does not dissolve in water. Insoluble fiber bulks up your fecal material. This speeds it up through your gut and gets rid of the feeling of being constipated. (Which, let’s be honest, is the worst.) 

Bonny is a proprietary mix of soluble and insoluble fibers, to get your body what it needs. And it even comes in an elegant, sustainable package! 

The Best Fiber Supplement for Constipation

To relieve constipation, you need both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Bonny has both! Plus, there is nothing artificial in Bonny. Just like you, we are all-natural. There are no mysteries in Bonny! 

Why Bonny Is the Best Natural Fiber Supplement

cartoon man tending to plants in the garden

Bob's Burgers / Via

Bonny’s All-Natural Ingredients: 

We’ll break down the natural ingredients in Bonny so you can compare it to the other fiber supplements out there. Learn more about what makes Bonny so great: 

Psyllium Husk 

Psyllium husk, the husks of Plantago ovata plant’s seeds, is a natural soluble fiber source that absorbs water, softens your stool, and promotes digestive cleansing. 

Inulin Chicory Root

Chicory root is a plant in the Dandelion family Asteraceae. It’s a natural prebiotic soluble fiber that promotes digestive cleansing and, as a bonus, is a natural sweetener! 

Bonny’s Natural Flavors

One of the many reasons Bonny is the very best natural fiber supplement is because it actually tastes good. Bonny is an all-natural, plant-based fiber supplement that tastes AMAZING.

Try the Best Natural Fiber Supplement Today

If you’re finally ready to break up with your other generic fiber supplement and try the best natural fiber supplement, pick up a tin or two of Bonny today!

Bonny comes in delicious flavors that you will crave daily: Apple Pie, Mixed Ripe Berries, and Super Strawberry.

As always, we wish you pleasant poops.

Poop Better Now

Very Berry Squares

Bonny Prebiotic Fiber Powder

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