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What Is in My Poop and What Does It Mean?

  • 4 min read

Did you know that your poop is kind of like a mood ring? The color and other characteristics of your poop can tell you a lot about your health. At Bonny, we don't shy away from talking sh*t so let’s get dirty: 

Types of Poop 

man holding Lite-Brite that spells out POOP


Poop is a normal part of our daily lives, but you probably don’t spend too much time thinking about your poop (or maybe you do!). However, when you notice something different about your poop, it can be a sign something is wrong. Any variation from the poop that is normal to *you* can be concerning. 

Poops can vary in everything from color to texture, to the amount, and even odor. Most changes in poop are insignificant and resolve themselves in a day or two. They might simply be because you ate something different the day before. On rare occasions, though, poop changes might indicate that something a little more serious is going on. Let’s break down the different types of poop and what is (and isn’t) normal. 

Poop is Green

“Why is My Poop Green?”

The number one reason your poop is green is something you ate. Did you have some kale, spinach, broccoli, or even blueberries? Our favorite dark green veggies and even green powder supplements contain chlorophyll, the chemical that helps plants make energy. Eating a lot of them can turn your poop green, but it’s not a bad thing. Keep eating your greens! 

Or, did you wake up after St. Patrick’s Day when you ate (or drank) something with green food coloring? Food coloring doesn’t get processed properly by our bodies, so it can leave a colorful reminder of that green beer in your poop. But not just green food coloring can turn your poop green. Purple, black, and blue food dyes can also lead to green excrement. (You might remember when the black Whopper from Burger King turned a whole bunch of people’s poop green back in 2015.) 

Green poop can also be attributed to bile pigment. Bile is a fluid that is made in your liver and stored in your gallbladder that is naturally a green and yellow color. Bile combines with the food you eat to help your body break down more fat. Your body needs to break down bile and excrete it as waste, but if the bile doesn't break down all the way, it can make your poop seem green. 

Your poop might also be green if you have been prescribed antibiotics or other medications. These medications kill off some of the bacteria in your gut that typically stain it brown. 

Parasites, viruses, and bacteria can also cause green poop. Bacteria like salmonella and norovirus can cause your system to flush quicker than usual, which can lead to green stools. 

If you experience green poop or diarrhea for more than three days, you will want to consider contacting your doctor. 

Poop with Blood 

animated gingerbread man pooping out different colored candies


“Why Is There Blood in My Poop?” 

It can be scary when you poop and then wipe and see blood. While it is true that blood in your stool can be a serious problem, that’s not always the case. Typically, having poop with blood means that there is bleeding somewhere in your digestive tract. (If there is bleeding higher up in the digestive tract, your poop might come out as black and tarry.) 

Possible Causes of Blood in Stool 

There are several different reasons that there might be blood in your stool, so don’t panic right away. 

Diverticular Disease 

Diverticulosis is when small pouches or sacs form and push outward through weak spots in the wall of your colon. When diverticulosis causes symptoms like bleeding, it is called diverticular disease. 

Anal Fissure 

An anal fissure is like when you get chapped lips or a paper cut - except it’s a small cut or tear in the tissue lining your anus. Typically, these cuts or tears occur when you pass a large, hard stool, and they can be painful. Fiber helps you poop easily and simply and can help you avoid anal fissures.


Colitis is inflammation of the colon and can cause bleeding. 


These are swollen blood vessels in your rectum or anus that can be painful, itchy, and even bleed occasionally. Not so fun fact: hemorrhoids are also common during pregnancy

Peptic Ulcers 

A peptic ulcer is an open sore in the lining of your stomach or small intestine that can cause blood in your stool. 

Polyps or Cancer 

Polyps are benign growths that can grow, bleed, and even become cancerous. However, the good news is that typically, colorectal cancer causes bleeding that is not noticeable to the naked eye. So, if you see blood in your poop, it most likely is not related to cancer. 

What If I’m Pooping Blood, No Pain?

Even if you aren’t in pain, if you have blood in your poop, it is important to talk to your doctor right away. 

Pooping Mucus

“Why Am I Pooping Mucus?” 

You probably think of mucus as the slimy stuff that sometimes comes up when you cough. But occasionally, mucus can come out of, ahem, the other end: in your poop. 

A small amount of mucus in your poop is typically nothing to worry about! Especially if you feel fine and it’s only a small amount of mucus. 

However, mucus in your poop might be a problem if: 

  • It’s a LOT of mucus 
  • You see it often
  • There is also blood
  • You have diarrhea
  • There is pain in your belly

If you experience any of these symptoms, make sure to call your doctor. Different digestive issues can cause mucus to make an unexpected appearance in your stool. These conditions include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and a few others. 

Get Healthy, Regular Poops With Bonny

If you want regular, healthy poops, you need some Bonny in your life. Fiber can help you restore your gut health naturally. Bonny is an all-natural, plant-based fiber supplement that gives you pleasant poops.

Even better? It is fruit-flavored and tastes AMAZING. Bonny is available in fab flavors like Apple Pie, Mixed Ripe Berries, and Super Strawberry

As always, we wish you pleasant poops!

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