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How to Stop the Endless Wiping After Bowel Movement

  • 5 min read

How much are you wiping after you go #2? OK, you probably haven’t counted every wipe, every time or maybe you have. On average you are probably wiping more than once. It’s something important to consider. No seriously, it’s time you started counting your wipes. The number of times you wipe is related to your bowel health. Are you looking to feel cleaner after you go #2? Read on friends.

(Partial spoiler: one way is to add more fiber to your diet like with Bonny fiber.)  

What Is Causing My Endless Wiping After Bowel Movement?

Man saying I have a whole room full of toilet paper


Picture it: you’re in the bathroom, and you’ve just gone #2. But you keep wiping…and wiping…and wiping. The amount of toilet paper you’re going through is getting embarrassing. Not to mention, if you’re out or at a friend’s house and they’re wondering what is taking so long (knock, knock in there). Ugh. Maybe this scenario sounds all too familiar. So what can you do about it? 

Why Do I Have to Wipe So Much After Pooping? 

Contrary to what those Charmin commercials want you to think, how many times you wipe has less to do with your toilet paper and more to do with your poop! There are plenty of different causes of too much wiping, including:

  • Lack of fiber 
  • Too much sugar 
  • A food allergy or intolerance 
  • Overabundance of laxatives 
  • Emotional states, like stress or anxiety 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome 
  • Inflammatory bowel disease 
  • Gastroenteritis 
  • Celiac disease 
  • A sluggish liver 
  • Malabsorption 

A long list but one of the easiest fixes that you can start today is at the top: more fiber. The number of times you need to wipe is directly related to how much fiber you’re getting. If you’re like most people, you aren’t getting nearly enough of our favorite f-word: fiber. 

Luckily, more and more people are catching on to the fact that we aren’t getting enough fiber in our daily diets. We’re all concerned about how much protein, carbs, and fat we eat, but too few of us are considering if we are getting enough fiber. This is a bummer because fiber is fabulous and has a ton of amazing benefits. Justice for fiber!

How Many Times Is Normal to Wipe After Pooping?

Man holding a Lite-Brite that says Poop

NBC Parks & Rec / Via

We all probably know how often we should be pooping. But, how many times should you need to wipe after pooping? Ideally, you should only need to wipe a couple of times after a bowel movement. It’s completely normal to wipe anywhere from between one to three times. 

If you have a lot of soft or pasty poop when you wipe, it’s likely that you didn’t empty things out completely. Plus, over-wiping can really irritate your beautiful butt and make things a lot worse down there. Yikes. So, how do you stop the never-ending wipe situation? 

Wait: What If I Don’t Need to Wipe At All?

If you have hard, small stools, this is a sign that you might be constipated. If you’re constipated, you’re only having three or fewer bowel movements per week, and your stools are hard and dry. In this case, you also need fiber! (See, fiber truly does fix everything except if your wifi goes out.) After all, 95 percent of Americans don’t get enough fiber—and that’s enough to make us want to drop the other type of f-word. 

How to Prevent the Never-Ending Wipe

The key to bulking up your stool (and preventing endless wiping) is fiber. If you want to prevent the never-ending wipe, you need more fiber in your diet. We have several ways to fix this issue:  

Eat More Fiber! 

Simple enough, right? While getting enough fiber through your diet is ideal, it’s extremely difficult for most of us to eat enough in a day that packs enough fiber punch. That’s where an all-natural delicious fiber supplement like Bonny enters the picture. 

Fiber basically acts like a broom that goes through your digestive tract and scrubs it clean, then deposits everything neatly outside your body in a perfectly-packed log of poop—resulting in a nearly wipe-free bathroom trip. No more messy situations or using up an entire roll of toilet paper. (Just don’t forget to wash your hands!) 

All Hail The Ghost Wipe

Two people with sheets on their heads pretending to be ghosts


If you are getting enough fiber, you might even be lucky enough to experience the Ghost Wipe. What is the Ghost Wipe? We’re glad you asked. Unlike being ghosted, experiencing a Ghost Wipe is a great thing. A Ghost Wipe is a phenomenon that when you wipe your butt after pooping, there is nothing on the toilet paper. 

On a serious note: if fiber isn’t the issue, sticky stools could possibly be a sign of a medical condition like lactose intolerance, or a GI condition like celiac disease. Always consider talking to your doctor.

Drink More Water 

Don’t forget to add some more water to your routine too! Water is another easy and effective way to increase the health of your digestive system and help you ease those fiber-packed poops right out of your body. Water and fiber are the perfect combo to get your system working the way it should. 

Exercise More

Simpsonsworld / Via

Moving around enough can also help you evacuate your digestive system more easily and ease up on the wiping. It helps all the fiber and water move through your body and make it easier to go to the bathroom. So get moving. You don’t necessarily have to sign up for that grueling spin class (but if you do see you on the leaderboard)! Try going on more walks or doing another type of exercise you really enjoy. 

Wipe Less with Bonny 

Pop and Poop | Fiber Squares

Instead of investing in endless amounts of toilet paper and wet wipes at Costco, try investing in yourself instead with the best natural fiber supplement on the market: Bonny.

Bonny is exactly what your body is missing. Our fiber powder is a custom blend of psyllium husk and prebiotic inulin that both love water so when they hit your gut they expand into a cleaning gel machine. Bulking up the stool and taking it to the toilet where it belongs in one well-packed poop that requires little to no wiping. The prebiotics even feed the good bacteria in your gut! 

Our fiber powder is available in amazing flavors like Apple Pie, Mixed Ripe Berries, and Super Strawberry. We also have Very Berry Squares seen above made with dried fruit and fiber. No preservatives and 100% natural. Can't decide? Buy both.

As always, we wish you pleasant poops and Ghost Wipes!

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Bonny Prebiotic Fiber Powder

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